

The ZIN-URU©  pendant , represents “The Voice of the Heart”

This means much more than most humans could imagine! We, as a culture, have been mislead by the scientific community to believe that the seat of our consciousness is the mind/brain. Nothing could be further from the truth. As we awaken spiritually, it becomes obvious that the heart is the seat of our sacred, sovereign spirit. Notice that when you feel love, empathy, or compassion…it is a deep seated feeling in the chest cavity, the heart space. These are the emotions that make the human a truly wonderful, special creation. These emotions bind us to one another in miraculous ways. It is the heart speaking to us, the “Voice of the Heart”, that brings us our incredible intuitions and loving attachments, the experiences that make life worth living! The Zin Uru symbol is meant to remind us of the true seat of our soul, the heart, where our sacred spirit resides. Allow your heart to speak to you in every important moment of your life from this point forward! ♥



The Zin-Uru pendant is the result of a divine dispensation to a gifted psychic and has far reaching implications. Its beautiful organic embodiment conveys a meaning of deep heart connection, strength and unity, new life and rebirth.

The correct pronunciation of the word Zin Uru is actually done phonetically, using sound and light frequency combined.  It is a concept a bit difficult to grasp at first, but in “light language” the phonetic sound is “quin-aura- sinna-guru”!  Beside are some notes from our anonymous light language specialist on the pronunciation.



What is the purpose?

The symbolic nature of the Zin Uru may assist in the quantum shift that we are all going through at this moment, during these winds of change.

Another purpose…to facilitate an internal shift, to aid in the process of returning wholeness to the heart (repairing the broken heart), and to connect to the heart of this earth that we are on, to bring clarity and direction in your life.

This is not a token or an amulet, but a representation of “heart energy” in sound, the sacred voice of creation known as “I AM”


Looking at the design of the Zin Uru , we see that it is green and wonderfully organic, like a spiraling coil of energy, reflecting the heart’s energy!

An implied purpose of the Zin is in the restoration of the power of the sacred balance between Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine energy within every man, woman, child …and  all creatures- great and small.

About the HEART

Understanding the human heart is a very important subject. It is where empathy, intuition, compassion, and love express from.
Mantras spoken sound of intention connects to the heart is extremely beneficial for those seeking to develop a deeper understanding
and connection with life. Emotional energy such as Love energy can be harnessed and be used to heal the body.
The most powerful kind of love is unconditional love. Such love allows immense amounts of energy to flow through the
body freely and uninhibited, as no boundaries are present in unconditional love. This allows a powerful connection
to the surrounding fields of energy. Human emotions and thoughts have been proven to affect quantum fields in
surrounding environment.

Forgiveness and acceptance are found to be key components to developing a unconditional state of love, such acts release
emotional blocks of perceptions.


It is in our human design that the grail of knowledge is planted, Your Free will deep inside your heart.

As human beings in this world, we are meant to be full spectrum in our existence, but through many emotional , spiritual and traumatic energy changes, we have “forgotten” our True Potential.